Who Created God?
Who Created God?
This title caused over 2 million views on creation.com, which tells me it has generated a great interest. Plus it has a lively “Readers Comments” section! Atheists, like Richard Dawkins, think this is the great “gotcha question”, but this question is easily answered. It is like the little girl in class who was asked, “which came first, the chicken or the egg”. Without hesitation she said, “the chicken, for who would sit on the eggs”. And according to the Bible, she was correct, (see Genesis 1:1-31 Adam was created mature). At minimum, she brought the discussion into a deeper level.
Good science and good Bible agree. From 1917 to today, the main line scientists believe there was a beginning of the universe. In recent decades there is now even more persuasive evidence that there was a beginning.
Add to this, “because the laws of thermodynamics demand it: the universe is running down and it cannot have been running down forever, or it would have already run down. No stars would be still churning out energy and we would not be here” says Dr. Don Batten [received both his B.Sc.Agr. (First Class Honours) and his Ph.D. from the University of Sydney].
Now scientists around the world have come to understand that the universe had a beginning, finally! Science is catching up to the Bible. So atheists ask the next question, so who created God? That is like asking where is the round circle? Where is the married bachelor? The contradiction is in the question itself. So it needs unpacked. The creator did not create himself, he exists outside of time, matter, space for he is eternal, forever, everlasting. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1). The Bible is unique here, in the explanation of the beginning. The Babylonians have an account of the creation of the world, but it starts with gods being material things. They start with seas/water being gods, the Enuma Elish story. They start with physical things as gods. The B ible uniquely doesn’t start this way. The Bible teaches that God is “spirit”, uncreated (John 4:24, 1:1-3). God spoke all things into existence, but then he did the unthinkable. He entered into time, space, matter… and was born of a woman to redeem mankind from corruption, sin. Jesus said people love darkness (John 3:19-21). Jesus taught us how to escape the corruption in this world, if we follow him. Following him will cost you your life, so pick up your cross and follow him (Luke 14:25-35). Repent of the corruption and sin, die to the old way of life. After baptism, raised up out of water, out of corruption, out of sin, begin to really live. Dan Peters