

Depressed 90%


I quote from the Murray Ledger & Times, on 4-22-22: “DEAR ABBY:  I find myself depressed 90% of the time because I’m afraid of death. Do you think LGBTQ individuals are doomed after death? Will we go to hell? I’m gay and I worry every day about it. Please settle my nerves. STRESSED-OUT IN GEORGA.
DEAR STRESSED-OUT: I’m glad you asked. Please stop worrying, because you are making your own hell on Earth. LGBTQ individuals are no more “doomed” after death than straight people. The misguided individual who planted that idea in your head deserves that fate, not you.”
Sadness is my first response when I read such. To be depressed 90% of the time is awful, but then to be given such misguided advice is criminal. God made the conscience, and it is properly telling a person to make a change on the inside and on the outside. To continually go against their conscience brings stress and worry. Stress is a good thing!  It’s telling you there is something wrong.  Instead of ignoring it, repent, change, and seek forgiveness in Jesus. The joy of repenting is inexpressible! But that person will never find this joy and peace with such foolish advice from Dear Abby.
Jesus is the one who “planted that idea” in that person’s head. Jesus taught against lust itself, in all forms, which would include LGBTQ lust’s. Notice the word “everyone”, which would include LGBTQ, “I say to you that  everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye  causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into  hell.” (Matt. 5:28-29). Jesus didn’t say “Please stop worrying”, like Dear Abby. No, rather be anxious, worry, until it causes you to stop. No more lusting… please. If not, Jesus warns us with the word “hell”, a doom for us all, if we do not repent. You have the potential, the ability to change. Jesus is not going to command something that you cannot do. He will even help you if you seek him, openly, honestly, seek him. It won’t be easy, but possible. Straight people, as well as,  LGBTQ people must overcome lust.  In the church at Corinth, there were LGBTQ people, who had successfully changed, repented, and stopped this sin (Read 1Cor. 6:9-20). Most importantly, Jesus himself more than anyone else experienced Dear Abby ’s “hell on earth”, while hanging by the metal nails on the cross, 6 hours. His pain and suffering speak volumes. Listen daily. He loves deeply, painfully. He is willing to forgive all, but it is conditional. Life gets immeasurably  better after we change/repent.                    Dan Peters